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Backworth Bowman Archery


We are the Bowmen of Backworth, a very long-established, friendly archery club based at Backworth Miners' Welfare in North Tyneside.

Our membership is open to all and includes all ages and abilities, including archers with disabilities.  

We are affiliated to

Throughout the year we run a number of our nationally-recognised Beginners’ courses in which a new archer will be taken through the basics of SAFE archery and from the delight of hitting the target with all three arrows... to moaning that they are not all in the gold!


We will support and encourage any and all archers, whatever their ability, be they ardently competitive or recreational shooters.


We welcome all Archers who are affiliated to any recognised national archery association and we also offer our coaching facilities to them.


For further information email:


0191 2684247 (option 2)

Backworth Hall,
Station Road,
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE27 0AH

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All images are the property of Pixx Media and donated for sole use on this website.

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